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- Job Acceptance Template
Acceptance Letter Template
Acceptance Letter Template
Job Acceptance Letter Template
What is our job acceptance letter template? Basically it is a standard
form letter used to accept a job offer. All that needs to be done is
for you to edit the letter with your own specific information
pertaining to the job you just landed.
If you were fortunate, and had several other offers but they appear to
have little difference in which one you choose, you will have to
revisit your list of needs.
Use this list to compare location, the company culture, and their
approach to training, or possibly how did you feel at the interview,
etc. Trusting your own instincts. After you figure this all out, then
you send the acceptance letter.
By accepting a job offered to you by an employer, this will then
obligate you to stop all of your job search efforts. You should then
notify all other prospect companies that you will be withdrawing
yourself from their list of applicants for the position you applied
This is only proper etiquette, a nice courteous telephone call
should keep you in good future standing with their company if so needed
in the future.
Try to really get a hold of the person (one on one) don't just leave a
voice mail message. After your conversation with them, then write a
confirmation (e-mail or hard copy).
The primary
purpose of a job acceptance letter template include:
to formally thank the person that has made you the job offer. If they
have given you a job reference number, then include it in your
acceptance letter along with any other information they requested after
the offer. Make sure you date your letter and then quote their full job
title along with the starting date they have chosen.
Now you need to go ahead and accept their offer and state how you
are really looking forward to getting started and working for their
company. You really need to make a copy of your acceptance letter,
along with the job offer letter they sent you, these will now become a
You really shouldn't accept a company's job offer if you our
undecided and might reject it later because something better turned up.
Your Job
Acceptance Letter Template might look similar to ours below.
You can copy and paste the document into word and work on it at your
convenience!! Or you may choose to download it from the link above.
Sample Job
Acceptance Letter Template
(Street Address)
(City, State, ZIP Code)
Ms. Jamie Sinclair
ABC'S Company
1 Corp. Way
Some town, AL 05550
Dear Ms. Sinclair:
As we have discussed over the phone after receiving you job offer
letter, I'm pleased to accept your open position
of Sales Manager with ABC"S company.
Thank you in advance for this great opportunity. I am excited to start
making a positive contribution to ABC"S company and to start working
with everyone involved on your team.
To recap what we have discussed, my new starting salary will
be $50,000 per year plus bonus. As soon as I have completed 3 months of
employment, all health insurance and life
insurance will be provided along with other company
I will start my employment on September 1, 2014. Any and all
information or other paperwork you may need before then, immediately
let me know and I will see that you get it.
Again, thank you.
Best Regards,
Jim Smith
Congratulations on
you job offer? I know there is a lot to keep track of during the job
hunting process.
So it is a wise thing to do by actually sending this or a modified
version of our job acceptance letter template. You will have a record
if needed and more than that, creating one and sending it lets the
employer know you are on top of things by doing your part.

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