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- Thank You Letter
- Follow Up Letter Template
Up Letter Template

Letter Template
Up Letter Template
Why would you send a sample thank you letter
after your phone contact?
Some people when looking for a job will call to see if they can talk to
someone in HR. This actually gets them some inside information on what
if any job openings are available. Companies will promote from within
most of the time for the non technical positions.
Once they find out any positions they are immediately hiring for, well
they have a slight advantage. Why? Well now this person can taylor
their resume to fit the job opening. This gives them a slight advantage.
So after the phone call it is obvious you have talked to someone in HR
and sending them a thank you for the phone contact information is not
only polite, but at the same time you also get to send along your
resume to this same person.
1.So now you have a small insidehelper.
2.How? They will send it along
to their boss, also letting them
know that they talked to you the other day.
3.The conversation will start and if you left a good impression with
your phone contact, well you
just never know what might happen!!
Making the most out of
follow up thank you letter template:
1. While being polite and business like thank the HR person and
include several top reasons showing you're a good candidate for the
2. Show your skills match the
company job description and you enjoy that type of work.
3. You would really like the
chance to go through their hiring process, written testing ect..
4. Afterwards you would like to
come in for an interview.
A one page thank you quick and to the point is best.
The follow up thank you letter after the phone contact is now where you
also e-mail them your resume. They will remember your phone call, and
the letter helps recap the phone conversation with enthusiasm about how
your resume skills fit this job opening.
Your own Follow Up letter
should resemble the one we have below.
1. This is
easy for you to edit with word and modify the letter making it
your very own!!
Follow Up
Letter Template
(Correct Street Address)
(Your City, State, then ZIP Code)
Your Contact's Name
Their Full Title
Their Company Name
Street Address
City, State, Zip code
Dear Mr. or Ms.__________________________,
wanted to personally send out this thank you for our phone conversation
yesterday at (John Doe Inc.). You graciously provided me with some very
useable information regarding your customer service job opportunity.
you can see, my resume is enclosed, as I’ve looked forward to applying
for this position for quite a while now. I also took the liberty to
supply my references. As you will see on my resume, I have many years
If you could grant me the opportunity to go over
with you in detail my qualifications, you will notice my best strengths
are in this area. Please contact me at _____ or send me an email at
_____. I'll be following up in several business days. I would really
like the opportunity to talk with you in person.
(Handwritten Signature)
Your Name
Do your
Check the company website to see what they do there. That way when you
make phone contact you will have an idea of the type of jobs are
performed there. It helps to write down some questions for the phone
contact. Use these in your phone call to advance the conversation so
you can find out what job openings they have or that are on the horizon.
Follow Up
Again, you should contact the person again in a week. They may have
more information by then and want to put you through at least their
testing process first.
Be prepared
for testing:
• Most companies look at your resume then call you in for testing if
they decide your skills fit.
• You might prepare for this by trying to look some up online.
• Once you get this far and feel confident you have passed the testing
phase, then start practicing for the interview, because that will be
the next step.

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