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Resume Tips

Cover the following tips, on your resume to fine tune it. A good resume is brief, with no errors, and directing your viewer to the point, without making them work, to find your qualifications.  

Resume Tips

1. Put in keywords.

Stop and think which key words you need to add. If you are the most qualified individual applying for the job, without key words, you won't be noticed.

2. Study employment adds to get your keywords. Your resume has to match the position qualifications in the job posting. Use their own words they themselves place in the add. Works like a charm at least to get the interview.

3. Point and fire right off the top quarter of your resume. Most hiring managers first agenda is to eliminate candidates who are clearly not qualified. Make sure to highlight and stand out for the top 1/4 of your resume.

4. Make sure you have two resumes for each position. One is my template, the other is a plain text format to put in your e-mail.

5. Optical, character, recognition orOCR is scanning technology. Clean resume with no format, tabs, italics, ect. Just keep the ASCII as simple as possible, loaded with your key words.

6. To have an equal chance against other qualified candidates,you must have a perfect resume and cover letter. Make sure it looks well prepared, professional, with no mistakes. You will be judged on presentation. Follow all resume tips listed here for an excellent end result.

7. Use a high quality resume paper. Look for those papers that say cotton bond 20lbs, white or ivory are best. You really need to make a first impression here, so buy the best you can afford, it really will make a difference.

8. Be open to ideas from others. Let someone review your completed resume and if they offer suggestions, keep your original, then create another one based on their suggestions to see what it looks like.

Are you having trouble creating the perfect resume and need some help? Get your Free Report called "How to create an awesome resume" and have success in resume writing.

If you need to look at some cover letter examples, then don't forget to go to the cover letter page. There should be some good sample cover letters there for you to edit with your own information.

They really give you a good idea of what should be included in your cover letter.

Now go to my resume template a-i pages, download, and (save) it to your desktop.

Backspace my information, and edit with your own.

When you are done, review this list.

Go back to Resume Mistakes or go on to the next page to learn how to prepare a Scannable Resume.

Back to Organize Resume

Check out the inside pages for more details on creating your resume.

Joe Thurston-Owner of Resumes Cover Letters

Return to Free Resume Templates home page to look for your choice of resumes.

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