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Medical Dental Resume

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Medical Dental Resume

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These are 3 medical dental formats used most when creating your resume.

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As a dental assistant, you will provide support for dentists including assisting the dentist with some procedures, lab work and various office functions.

In the course of a regular day, some of the duties of a medical dental assistant might be:

Preparing and sterilizing the dental instruments.
Supplying the dentist with the patient's dental records.
Handing dental instruments to the dentist while they are performing procedures.
Keeping the patient's comfortable, during the procedures.
Being knowledgeable enough to instruct the patients on correct oral healthcare.
Taking of and preparing the x-rays for the doctor.

Most medical dental assistants will work in a dentist's office or clinic. A very small portion of dental assistants will work in hospitals or possibly a doctor's office. They have very similar working conditions as compared to dental hygienists, many times, up to one third of dental assistants will work on a part-time basis.

If you can get into training to be a dental assistant, this is a great way to get started in this field. The profession offers a really great employment outlook, but you will have to attain additional levels of education so you can get into some of the more lucrative positions.

Joe Thurston-Owner of Resumes Cover Letters

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