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Top Paying Jobs into 2022

Updated Dec, 20 2022 written by Joe Thurston

Are you wanting to change careers, but you're not quite sure how to go about it?

Well like they say, going after a job you really love has the highest degree of satisfaction, but if you really want to make more money, then jobs with that potential in mind would be the wiser and more logical choice.

Keep in mind that your bills come first, and the jobs with a very high growth rate should be getting all of your attention. These jobs should create longevity in your new career as they will last well into 2022.

Here to help you identify potential jobs with a longer future and pay of at least $75,000 dollars we used the U.S. Department of Labor data, then identified careers that should grow by 16 percent.

What that means for you is these jobs will be in demand 16% more than normal type jobs, so hiring will increase and the jobs will be around for a long time afterwards. So remaining in these positions for several years is very likely.

Longevity and great pay are what everyone wants, so we have provided you some details below.

Job #1. Information Security Analyst

Keep Goals In MindAverage annual salary *
Job growth data is forecast from
2012 to 2022 **
A 37 percent increase in jobs is projected

If you possess excellent problem solving and analytical skills, are also very detail oriented, then becoming an information security analyst would be a great career for you.

The U.S. Department of Labor, states these workers ensure that security measures are in place protecting a company's computer network and all of it's software and systems from cyber-attacks.

Why would they be in-demand: Cyber-attacks are very sophisticated and vicious to any company, making it mandatory for the company to seek it's own form of protection.

We have all read headlines on a daily basis about cyber hackers getting personal data and credit card data from large companies over the internet.

"Employers" need to protect your information, so an information security analyst is going to be one of the fastest and most wanted occupations for you to get into for the long term. The internet is only going to grow even more in the future. So this job is considered of very high value to any of today's companies that are online.

How to prepare: All information security analysts should have attained a bachelor's degree related to the computer programming field. If you can attain a master's in business administration (MBA) in the computer information field, you can enter into a top position easily.

Related employment in this field is very helpful for you to get your foot in the door also, as employers are seeking experienced certified individuals to protect their computer systems from any and all attacks. Some companies even require that you have certain certifications to work at their company.

So do a random survey of the top companies you are looking at and get their minimum qualifications to get in on the ground floor if you're just entering this field.

Job #2. Civil Engineer

Civil Engineer Average annual salary *
Job growth data is forecast from
2012 to 2022
20 percent hiring increase

If you are a great leader and have excellent skills at making decisions with a very strong background in mathematics, civil engineering is for you.

Most construction projects are designed and then supervised by a civil engineer. There are many different types of positions you may be interested in within this field.

Construction engineers will manage different construction projects, scheduling a time frame and making sure plans and specifications are in place to be followed. Most of the time they take responsibility for the design and the safety specs of the temporary structures that are to be used while construction is taking place.

Geotechnical engineers focus their efforts on how different structures are being built by the civil engineers, making sure the projects foundation is very solid and how it will interact with soil and rock. They also will design the blueprint for slopes, any retaining walls being built, and tunnels to be constructed.

Structural engineers will design major projects, like buildings, different types of bridges, and dams, to make sure they are up to code for their structural strength and their durability.

Transportation engineers will help plan, then design, streets and also highways, as their main focus. Planning larger projects are also part of their responsibility, like airports, any mass transit systems, or complicated harbors and docking systems.

How to prepare: To do work in the field as a professional civil engineer you need to have a bachelor's degree, also you must be licensed, which will mean that your degree must be an ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) accredited program.

Job #3. Medical and Health Services Manager

Medical and Health Services Manager Average annual salary
Job growth stated below is from
2012 to 2022
23 percent increase in hiring

If you love being very analytical, have the technical abilities, and the problem-solving know how, and also interact well with everyone to create success in the medical field, you would be a great fit in this role.

This job has a title of administrator of health services, or executive of health management. As a manager you would coordinate the medical services for an organization, like a hospital, or possibly a certain sector, of the hospital.

These managers adapt the ever evolving health regulations into their policies making sure they are in compliance with all the regulations.

How to prepare: Any of you out there looking to become manager in this field need a bachelor's degree in the health administration area.

Courses you need to get your health administration degree include various hospital organization & management, some accounting and also budgeting courses, the ever popular human resources administration studies, law and ethics, strategic planning, health information systems and also health economics.

Some programs will specialize for a particular facility, like a hospital, or nursing home, a facility for mental health. A graduate program is 2 or 3 years depending on you dedication and it might also include 1 year of administrative experience that would be supervised.

Job #4. Software Developer, Systems

Keep Goals In Mind
Average annual salary
Job growth is between
2012 to 2022
20 percent hiring increase

Systems developers will design a computer program, like the many programs you use everyday to complete a very specific task you want to accomplish or to help you run a device on your phone or on a computer network.

Why they're in-demand: In today's computer age where everyone uses a computer or a smartphone to accomplish their own task, it only makes sense projected growth in this field will sky rocket.

Everything changes constantly in software for the internet, and if you are really good and creative, employers are looking to get you on board with them.

How to prepare: Software developers need to get their bachelor’s degree, most likely in computer science, or software engineering, or computer programming. They need proficient skills at writing code and programming and a complete understanding of different computer languages.

Usually whatever industry the developer will be working in, they would be expected to be knowledgeable with the type of business they work for. For instance, if you are going to develop a bank software program, you should understand how a finance department works on a daily basis.

Job #5. Financial Analyst

Real Estate Jobs Average annual salary
Job growth predicted between
2012 to 2022
16 percent hiring increase

If you're great with all thenumbers involved with this position and an outstanding communicator, there is a career waiting for you in our financial industry.

Financial analysts constantly study stocks and bonds predicting their performance, and many financial instruments and programs to help many individuals and businesses make money on their current investments.

Why they're in-demand: Employers want people who can deal with all the changing regulations, which were designed and put into effect to help prevent a crisis like the one in 2008 from happening in the future.

How to prepare: Most professionals will have their bachelor's degree. Certification is recommended. An example of this certification would be the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) certification from the CFA Institute. A financial analysts with a bachelor’s degree can attain this certification. The employer will usually pay for this specialty training that they have required.

*All salary information from the U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Employment and Wages data, May 2012.
** Projected job growth rates from the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2014-15 edition.

Joe Thurston-Owner of Resumes Cover Letters

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